Submit the Website You Built! We are super excited to see what you built using the information in this course! Email(Required) Name(Required) First Last Website(Required) What are you most proud of on this website?(Required)What was the hardest part of building this website?(Required)How did this class help you the most?(Required)If you could change one thing about the course, what would it be.(Required)In other words, do you have a suggestion for us?Ho much did this course help you? A ton Somewhat Not much What do you think about Beaver Builder? I love it so much! It was good I guess There are other page builders I love more I don't really like it Other Which page builder do you love more than Beaver Builder? Do you think you will take other courses from Toto Coaching?YesNoMaybeTell us your thoughts about taking another course from Toto CoachingWhat other courses would be helpful for you?We are always looking for new ways to help others!Once in a while we will feature a website on our social media channels, emails and website that was built by one of our students. Do you give Toto Coaching permission to feature your website on these channels? Yes! No thanks! Would you like to be an affiliate for Toto Coaching? If people purchase a this course when using your link, you will get a payment.Yes Please!No thanks!Is there anything else you would like to tell us?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.