Course Overview


Software You will Use

Don't get nervous about this list. I will show you how to do everything.
You don't need to know this stuff already!

This course will teach you how to build your own website on the WordPress platform. We will walk you through the entire process of building your own website from start to finish. We will use the following software to build this website.

We will set up hosting on

Hours of Videos

Here is what you can expect in this course

Easy to understand lessons

Step-by-step guidance

Clearly explained concepts

Friendly teaching style

Goes at your own pace

Jump-start website building fast

Videos for visual learners

Covers all key topics

Adapt skills to new sites

Lifetime access to materials

Made for true beginners

Teaches lasting knowledge


How much will this course cost?

$49/month until you cancel

And guess what - you get 2 other courses included in your membership: Toto Coaching Full Web Building Course and DIY SEO 201!

And then you will have some other costs related to building a website.  But the good news is all of these items together total less than $500/year!  I will walk you through purchasing the following items and you will own each of them:

  • Domain Name Registration (appx $12/year)
  • Hosting (appx $150/year)
  • Beaver Builder Theme and Page Builder (appx $199/yr)
  • Gravity Forms (appx $59/yr)
  • Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder (optional) (appx $199/lifetime or $59/yr)

Follow a Proven Process

Build Your Website

The straightest line to getting a website built is following a proven process. We have perfected this process over 25 years on hundreds of websites and we have provided it to you in this course. The website building course is broken up into the following Chapters:

  • 1

    Get Set Up

    Here we will walk you through registering a domain name and setting up hosting

  • 2

    Create a Site Map

    In this chapter we will get you organized and plan out our new website

  • 3

    Get Your Theme and Page Builder Installed

    Time to purchase the software we need and get it installed

  • 4

    Create Pages and Menus

    Now we want to get the structure of your diy website created

  • 5

    Configure WordPress

    This one is easy - let’s make sure we have some basic settings covered

  • 6

    Start Thinking About Design

    We won’t be designing just yet, but let’s get our colors and fonts all set, as well as decide if we want to purchase additional software

  • 7

    Install Additional Helpful Software

    You don’t have to use these pieces of software, but we always do so we’ll walk you through getting these installed

  • 8

    Set Up Global Settings

    In this chapter we will get some global settings set up to make our lives easier

  • 9

    Get Your Content Ready

    Now it is time to get all of your content written and your images all set.

  • 10

    Add and Style Content

    Here is where your website comes together! Time to get down to business and put everything together

  • 11

    Go Live

    Pop the champagne!!  It’s time to celebrate and go live!

Here's a Sneak Peek of One Lesson!